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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Halloween in Okinawa American Style

Espe celebrated Halloween on Kadena Air Force Base with her Peruvian-OKinawan friends. Lets start with how much candy they rounded up. The girls have never trick-o-treated and were surprised and thrilled at the amount of candy that is given.

Espe dressed like a werewolf like her favorite werewolf Jacob from the Twilight movies. Emily is dressed like Alice in Wonderland and Emily is the Joker.
What a scary bunch...NOT!

Epse had a blast!


  1. Glad to see you posting again. I'm so curious as to how the girls communicate given the language barriers. see your soon!!

  2. I am not sure how they translate when I am not around. But they play video games all the time and that works out just fine.
