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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dinner Out in Oki

American Village
Sea Side
Canals of OKinawa
Our Favorite Japanese Restaurant

Tofu Champeru - stirfry tofu with bean sprouts, scallions, rice, miso and kimchi
Okinawa Soba- consists of pork bellie, fish cakes, parsley a side of gohan which is rice, mochi which is rice jelly and pickled ginger
Espe's dinner is another OKinawa soba with gohan (rice) and gyoza (pork dumplings)
Espe has adjusted well to Okinawan and Japanese cuisine and has finally mastered the chopstick.
Vegan Dinner
I love Okinawan food.

When did Keith Herring visit OKinawa?
American Village
Okinawa Mueseum of Art
Who can complain about being surrounded by such beauty?

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