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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Espe Swims in Okinawa for the First Time: June

Onoyama Park - Espe is Flying here in Japan

Only the American names come out in English "kind of", if not we would not know when she was competing.

Caught in mid air. Espe learns the Japanese word for ready is "YO" then the gun goes off.

The Onoyama Park Pool is the largest pool Espe has competed in. High tech too.

Espe had to learn the proper way to present athletes. All of the athletes for the heat come in single file and sit in a seat in front of their lane and wait to be announced prior to the heat. Once the they call her name "Otero-chan" she gets up waves and then bows. She also learned she had to bow to officials.

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