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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy B-Day

Espe started her pre-teen birthday with a swim meet and took first and second place in her events and then went off to the Round One - Indoor fun park.
LOve this place where else can you spend 3 hours for 18 dollars and let the kids go and play 'til they drop.
All the games inside are included. About 100 video-games.
Mechanical Bull riding
Ride that bull Espe!
The Pre-Teens and Teen Amy, Espe and Katherine
Playing Soccer
Dancing on skates ...reminds me of the Roxy in NYC
we are ready for the roller derby...NOT!
Dance Revolution!
These kids can't beat the master at the DANCE!

We all played really hard! Now the cake with the neighbors and the pre-teen sleep-over
The neighbors!
Espe had a great day with all of our new friends!
Happy Birthday to our little angel no matter how tall you are!

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