Nikumon or Niku for short: are steamed buns with pork dumpling inside. Although this is Chinese they are found in every Family Mart and Lawsons, convenience stores here on Okinawa. At 105 yen it is the cheapest most delicious lunch you can get on the go.

For anther hundred yen you can buy a dragon fruit. Sweet and tart once you have one you will want more.

Kadena Air Force Base is home to Jack's Place. It is a base secret and has great Teppanyaki. The Teppanyaki is similar to what you get off post and it is cheaper. So why go off post?

Delicious Kobe Steak. Japanese Wagyu Cow have black hair and are fed beer to increase the appetite, brushed with sake to keep the meat tender and massaged to further tenderize the meat.

Teppanyaki originated in the 1940's and meals iron grill.

This chef is so fast we could barely get him on film.
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