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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Enjoying the Scenic Route in Okinawa

A beach in Ginoza Village

Kouri Island on the left and Yagaji Island on Right

Drivning Through Okinawa

Narrow streets in and around Okinawa

Observation Towers

Ie Island

Having fun just pulling over anywhere and taking pics. It is just so beautiful.

Our New friend Carol B. our Okinawa tour guide. This is Carol's second tour in Okinawa so she knows the island well and has taken
the Oteros under her wing, giving us the lay of the land. Thanks Carol.
Espe and Momma!

Traffic on OKinawa

Observation Tower

The day is crystal clear

Fishing Village of Nago Bay

View from the Butterfly Gardens

A view of Ie Island

Wait for me!

Storm is coming!

There are fields in between most houses. Everything is so tightly packed in many areas. They have to make use of all the space and land available.

I hope your getting tempted to visit!

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