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The Adventures of Cathy, Espe, Raul & Eddie in Okinawa Japan.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tokyo Earthquake 2011

Rumor has it the we were in Mainland Japan for the Earthquake in March...well...rumors were right! Espe and I traveled to mainland with the Okinawa Dolphin Swim Team for a Swim Meet in Tokyo. Luckily we were on Atsugi Naval base during the earthquake and were blessed to have nothing happen to any of us. However, our thoughts where with those who were affected by the quake.
Finally touching ground in Okinawa. This was the highlight of the trip the C-130 ride home.
Happy to be home!

In Atsugi waiting..waiting for a ride home the impending danger of the nuclear reactor stressing everyone!!

No sleep!

Espe get to help drive us home!

4 hour ride home to OKinawa

View of Mt. Fugi from the the C- 130

Before the earthquake

After the earthquake..kids were all ok and resilient!

Our thoughts and prayers to all of those who are still recovering from the
aftermath or the quake.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas with The Tates

We had the pleasure of spending a holiday meal with Espe's Coach Kwan and her friends and family. What a get together. Kwan is a Thai Chef and what could be better than a Thai Feast.
The Tates Newest Edition
Titi Mari and Espe enjoy some Thai Cuisine too!

Trying to help the chef ..think I need more training but it was an honor and a pleasure. Look at these beautiful dishes.

Thanks Kwan for sharing a some trade secrets it was delicious! Many blessings you will be missed. for you and your family

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Holidays in Okinawa

We spent Christmas day with our new Okinawan friends and American soldiers and their families. It was a gathering of all those who are missing their friends and families during the holidays.
Maribel my lil sis got to spend the holidays with us Okinawan style. It was a great gift. Mom and dad would have been pleased.

Pajama day!
Espe still loves Christmas!! Its all about her...and baby Jesus of course.
Santa's Stocking!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year In Okinawa - Day 1

New Year festivities here take place over the course of 3 days. We visited to the mall on Day 1 to hear Okinawan music.

The San-A supermarket's to-go section was loaded with party platters of sushi, sashimi and other Japanese yummy bites.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Impromptu Christmas Party in Okinawa

Seems like Raul's coworkers had such a good time at Thanksgiving that they started inquiring about Christmas festivities and The Oteros responded with quite the feast. We're looking forward to leftovers of pernil, potato casserole, and more.

I got to meet Cathy's Peruvian Japanese friends whom I'd heard so much about. They were absolutely lovely and encouraged me to learn some Japanese while I'm here.
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Just Dance

For Christmas Espe got the video game Just Dance 2. This Titi wonders who the gift was really for. Check out this video and see for yourself.
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy B-Day

Espe started her pre-teen birthday with a swim meet and took first and second place in her events and then went off to the Round One - Indoor fun park.
LOve this place where else can you spend 3 hours for 18 dollars and let the kids go and play 'til they drop.
All the games inside are included. About 100 video-games.
Mechanical Bull riding
Ride that bull Espe!
The Pre-Teens and Teen Amy, Espe and Katherine
Playing Soccer
Dancing on skates ...reminds me of the Roxy in NYC
we are ready for the roller derby...NOT!
Dance Revolution!
These kids can't beat the master at the DANCE!

We all played really hard! Now the cake with the neighbors and the pre-teen sleep-over
The neighbors!
Espe had a great day with all of our new friends!
Happy Birthday to our little angel no matter how tall you are!